Apostrophes are important because they help to clarify meaning and make our writing more precise. They are normally used for two different reasons:
- To show a noun is in the possessive case.
- To show that letters have been omitted from a word.
Apostrophes can be tricky to use correctly, so it’s important to pay attention to their usage to avoid confusion or errors in writing.
The Possessive Apostrophe
A possessive apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is used to indicate ownership or possession. Pretend you have a dog named Charlie. If you wanted to talk about Charlie’s toy, you would use a possessive apostrophe to indicate the toy belongs to Charlie. You would write “Charlie’s toy”.
Perhaps you have a friend called Emily, and she owns a bike. If you wanted to describe Emily’s bike, you would use a possessive apostrophe to show she owns the bike. You would write “Emily’s bike”.
Notice how he possessive apostrophe is positioned between the name and the “s” to indicate an individual owns the possession in both of these examples. Where do you place the apostrophe is the object or thing belongs to more than one person?
Apostrophes of Contraction
Apostrophes can also be used to show that letters have been left out of a word. This is called a contraction. For example, instead of writing “do not,” you can write “don’t.” The apostrophe in “don’t” shows that the letter “o” has been left out of the word “do.”
You might use contractions when you’re texting with friends or writing informally, but you should avoid using them in more formal writing, such as writing an essay for school.
Exercise One
Correct the following sentences by inserting the apostrophe in the appropriate places. Make sure you write out the complete sentence!
- I am the schools candidate for vice captain this year.
- The fox had its right foreleg caught in the traps jaws.
- My car is an old Ford, and its just about to fall apart.
- In three weeks time well have to begin school again.
- Didnt you hear that theyre leaving tomorrow?
- I remember Cinderellas glass slipper and nothing else.
- We claimed the picnic table as ours.
- Its important that the kitten learns to find its way home.
- She did not hear her childrens cries.
- My address has three 7s and Tims phone number has four 2s.
- Didnt he say when he would arrive at Louises house?
- Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to sunbathe.
- She said the watch Jack found was hers but she couldnt identify the manufacturers name on it.
- The dogs bark was far worse than its bite.
- The moons rays shone feebly on the path, and I heard the insects chirping and rustling.
- The baby didnt know how to read.
- The boy said hed prefer to read the adventure book.
- Kim grew so tall that her jeans wouldnt fit.
- Im determined to win the race.
- Well go for a cycle ride this afternoon.
- James shoes werent where he left them.
- My sisters shoes arent new.
- The cars engine wouldnt start.
- Didnt you promise to mend Kims bike?
- Williams cat has hurt its paw.
Exercise Two
- This is Peters.
- Lets go to the Smiths.
- The childrens room is upstairs.
- Johns sister is twelve years old.
- Susan and Steves bags have blue stickers.
- Mens shoes are on the second floor.
- My parents car was not expensive.
- Charless iPad is new.
- This is the boys.
- These are the boys.
- The job is yours if you want it.
- The defendants DNA was found on the victims body.
- Franks Place is the best spot in town for jazz.
- The officers duties were spelled out clearly in their briefing.
- If she tested positively, the athletes medal would have to be returned.
- Charles biggest problem is that he doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut.
- The Globe Theatre was the most successful venue of its time.
- The waitress couldnt keep up with everyones orders, especially with kids ordering from the childrens menu.
- The Barrs are a very talented family, with 2 authors and 4 musicians.
- The other two tour busses cant hold all of the passengers from the school bus.
- Keeping up with the Joneses has gotten out of hand in this neighbourhood; driveways are full of new Minis.
- Suddenly, an arm reached out from the crowd and snatched Aunt Lilys purse.
- Theres a joker in every class!
- In Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets and Montagues feud destroys a young couple.
- Dont watch T.V. until all those dishes are done.
Some of the examples are deliberately difficult, so don’t worry if you made some mistakes. Try to explain why you added an apostrophe when one wasn’t actually required, or why you placed the apostrophe in the wrong position. This is the best way to develop your understanding of apostrophes and how they add clarity to your writing.
Once you are more secure with apostrophes, try our comma exercises next.