Marilyn Monroe Motif in Blood Brothers
The first song in Willy Russell’s “Blood Brothers” is called “Marilyn Monroe” and the second act also begins with “Marilyn Monroe Part 2”. The playwright then reprises the song again for “Marilyn Monroe Part 3”. Of course, the final words of the play are “say it’s just the end… of an old movie with Marilyn Monroe”.
Russell uses this icon of cinema and glamour as a structural device and to reinforce his presentation of various characters.
Marilyn Monroe Part 1
Each verse of the song ends with a refrain to Marilyn Monroe, but the connections change. For example, Mrs Johnstone’s admirer claims she is “sexier than Marilyn Monroe” and then the congregation remark that she was “lovelier than Marilyn Monroe” on her wedding day. Both of these flattering comparisons focus on the “blonde bombshell” and her physical beauty.
However, when Mrs Johnstone was pregnant, her husband refused to go dancing with her because she was “twice the size of Marilyn Monroe”. Sadly, her husband abandons her for another “girl they say who looks a bit like Marilyn Monroe”.
Marilyn Monroe Part 2
Act Two begins with the same melody that opened the play and, once again, there are allusions to Marilyn Monroe’s incredible beauty. For example, the milkman tells Mrs Johnstone she has “legs like Marilyn Monroe” and the judge says she “reminded him of Marilyn Monroe”.
Times, however, have changed. Mickey is now at an age when “he dreams all night of girls who look like Marilyn Monroe”.
The final verse ends with a more ominous connection. Mrs Johnstone prays that Edward will be “OK, not like Marilyn Monroe”.
Marilyn Monroe Part 3
When Mrs Johnstone sings Part 3, Mickey has been sent to prison for the violent robbery of the the filling station. Tragically, “it seems like jail’s sent him off the rails, just like Marilyn Monroe”. He now “treats his ills with daily pills just like Marilyn Monroe”.
Marilyn Monroe suffered from severe mental health problems and began taking a range of medication to help her cope. In August 1962, she died from an overdose.
When he is released with “grace for good behaviour”, Mickey’s “speech is rather slow” and he is “feeling fifteen years older”. Mrs Johnstone sings “you’d think he was dead like Marilyn Monroe”.
Stage Name
Marilyn Monroe is instantly recognisable as an cinematic icon of Hollywood glamour and fame. However, her names are not always as obvious as her image.
She was registered as Norma Jeane Mortenson on her birth certificate, but was baptised Norma Jeane Baker. When she first married, she changed her surname to Dougherty.
Then, she adopted the stage name Marilyn Monroe in 1946 until she legally changed it in 1956.
When she married the playwright Arthur Miller, she liked to be called Marilyn Monroe Miller.
Names are an incredibly important part of our identity and we often believe they are fixed. Each time Marilyn Monroe changed hers, she took on a new persona.
In this way, the motif of Marilyn Monroe is effective because it demonstrates the uncertainty of Edward’s surname and identity.